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School District Personnel Policies

Click HERE to view the Bearden School District Personnnel Policies for the current year online.

Click HERE for a printer-friendly copy of the Bearden School District Personnel Policies for the 2020-2021 school year.

Click HERE to view the changes to the board policy book for the 2019-2020 school year


District Calendar

Today's Events

State-Required Information

Current Weather

Current Condition: overcast clouds

Temperature: 22.59˚F

Feels Like: 10.94˚F

Wind Speeds: 11.99mph

Weather humidity: 86%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Permanent Announcements

Subscribe to Our School Calendar

Subscribe to our school calendar to add events to your digital calendar. Follow this link to learn how:

School Improvement Plans

To view school improvement plans for the Bearden School District, visit

District Plan
 Username: guestDAR364            Password: guestDAR364

BES Plan
 Username: guestSAR2161          Password: guestSAR2161

BHS Plan
Username: guestSAR2162           Password: guestSAR2162

Be sure to check back often as these plans are being updated regularly.

Student Handbook

Click HERE for a printable version of the 2020-2021 Bearden School District Student Handbook.


School Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Bearden Board of Education originally scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025 haas been rescheduled for Thursday, February 2-, 2025. The meeting will be held in the BES cafeteria. The meeting begins at 6:00. 


Employment Application - Certified Position

Click HERE for a certified staff employment application.

Employment Application - Non-Certified Position

Click HERE for a non-certified staff employment application

Logging Into the Home Access Center (HAC)

1. On any computer, open a web browser (Chrome is recommended).
2. Open the HAC website:
3. From the dropdown box at the top, select “Bearden School District.”
4. Enter your username and password exactly as they are listed on the letter you received from the school district previously.
   **(FORGOT YOUR USERNAME/PASSWORD? e-mail or  to request it.)
5. Be sure to log out when you are finished!!


The Bearden School district does not offer credit (charges) for food items purchased in the school cafeteria (including noon lunch trays); payment for such items is due at the time the food items are received. Parents, who choose to do so, may pay in advance for student meals

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

Nondiscrimination Statement for Arkansas Child Nutrition Programs:

Click HERE for a printer-friendly version of the statement and instructions for filing a complaint.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Help for Homeless Students

Click HERE for more information on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

District homeless liason:
Candi Finley

IXL Login For Bearden Elementary
AR Bookfinder

Need to know if there is an Accelerated Reader test for your child's book? Login to
